Monday, May 9, 2011

Hines Happenings: Tornado Damage

We were very lucky to have no damage to our home or property when the tornadoes swept through North Carolina on April 16th. It was a very scary experience for us. We arrived home just as the tornado was making its way through our town about a mile down the road from our home. The winds were very strong and we rushed into the house with the baby and got in our closet with a mattress over us to ride out the storm and pray that the worst would be over soon and that God would protect our family. It was over pretty quickly and we were able to survey the damage. There were several homes in our neighborhood that lost trees and shingles. The power lines around the corner were knocked over so we were without power for almost 2 days. We are very thankful that we had friends that could put us up for 2 nights and could keep our supply of breast milk in their freezer (that wold have been such an awful thing to loose that liquid gold!) Here are some photos of the damage to our neighborhood and town.


  1. Wow those are some crazy pictures!

    I just found your blog through one of the blog hops. Have a great week!

    Amanda @

  2. Oh that must have been so scary!. My brother and sister in law live in North Carolina, but I think they missed the storms. Thanks for joining the hops we sponsor Following you back. Can't wait to read more :) Ashley


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